Manipulating Data

Updating your data

You can add single or multiple row updates to a dataset via JSON data in a PUT request to the dataset id. The row(s) should be key-value pairs where the key is the column name. In the example that we have been using here, the dataset could be updated with a JSON dictionary like this:

    "rating": "delectible",
    "amount": 2,
    "food_type": "streat_sweets"

N/A values will be added when the dictionary does not supply a value for a given column.

curl -X PUT -d 'update={"rating":"delectible","amount":2,"food_type":"streat_sweets"}'


{"id": "8a3d74711475d8a51c84484fe73f24bd151242ea"}

Replacing your dataset

To remove the existing content of a dataset and replace it with new content use the reset end-point. This takes the same parameters as create plus a Dataset ID. The dataset’s content is replaced but the Dataset ID does not change. This requires a PUT request.

curl -X PUT -d "url=""


    "id": "8a3d74711475d8a51c84484fe73f24bd151242ea"

Modifying your data

You can show, edit, and delete a single row in your dataset using the row endpoint. To interact with the row endpoint you specify the dataset_id and the index of the row you would like to interact with.

The indices of your dataset can be retrieved by passing index=True to the show dataset command.


Dataset indices begin with 0, i.e. the first row will be at index 0.

Retrieving a row by index

To retrieve the first row of your dataset:



    "rating": "delectible",
    "_percentage_complete": "n/a",
    "_xform_id_string": "good_eats",
    "risk_factor": "low_risk",
    "gps_alt": "39.5",
    "food_type": "lunch",

Deleting a row by index

To delete the first row of your dataset:

curl -X DELETE


    "success": "Deleted row with index '0'.",
    "id": "8a3d74711475d8a51c84484fe73f24bd151242ea"

Editing a row by index

To set the amount to 5.0 for the first row of your dataset:

curl -X PUT -d 'data={"amount":"5.0"}'


    "success": "Updated row with index '0'.",
    "id": "8a3d74711475d8a51c84484fe73f24bd151242ea"

Merging multiple Datasets

To row-wise merge 2 or more datasets into a new dataset use the _merge_ command . For example, to merge two datasets with IDs 8a3d7 and 2de98, use the following command. This will return the ID of the new merged dataset. The merge occurs in the background. When the dataset status is set to “ready” you can be sure the data has been merged.

curl -X POST -d "dataset_ids=[\"8a3d7\", \"2de98\"]"


{"id": "8a3d74711475d8a51c84484fe73f24bd151242ea"}

Merge with a column mapping

Merge takes an optional mapping parameter, which maps columns in the original dataset to columns in the new merged dataset.

For example, a JSON mapping of:

    "8a3d7": {"foodtype": "food_type"},
    "2de98": {"foodType": "food_type"}

will map the “foodtype” column from dataset ID 8a3d7 and the “foodType” column from dataset 2de98 to a canonical “food_type” column in the merged dataset.

curl -X POST -d "datasets=[8a3d7,2de98]&mapping={\"8a3d7\":{\"foodtype\":\"food_type\"},"2de98":{\"foodType\":\"food_type\"}}"


{"id": "8a3d74711475d8a51c84484fe73f24bd151242ea"}

Joining multiple Datasets

You can perform column joins between multiple datasets. The column that is joined on must be unique in the right hand side dataset and must exist in both datasets. The left hand side dataset ID is specified in the URL, and the right hand side is passed as the other_dataset_id parameter.

If the join succeeds the ID of the new dataset is returned as JSON. If the join fails an error message is returned, also as JSON.

Updates which are subsequently made to either the left hand side or the right hand side dataset will be propagated to the joined dataset. Updates to the right hand side that make the join column non-unique will be disallowed.

For example supposing the ‘food_type’ column is in datasets with IDs 8a3d7 and 2de98, you can join the two datasets on that column by executing:


  • You can not join datasets which have overlapping columns.
  • After you have joined two datasets you can not update the right hand (other_dataset_id) with data that will make its on column non-unique.
  • Updates to the left hand side (dataset_id) will be merged with right hand side columns if the update matches an existing on column, otherwise if will have NaN for the other columns.
curl -X POST -d "dataset_id=8a3d7&other_dataset_id=2de98&on=food_type"


{"id": "8a3d74711475d8a51c84484fe73f24bd151242ea"}

Joining on different columns

To join column A in the left hand side dataset with column B in the right hand side dataset, set the on parameter to A,B.

Continuing the above example, suppose dataset 8a3d7 has a “food_type” column but 2de98 has a “foodtype” column, use the command:

curl -X POST -d "dataset_id=8a3d7&other_dataset_id=2de98&on=food_type,foodtype"