Advanced Commands


On the command line some special characters may need to be escaped for the commands to function correctly. E.g. & as \&, ? as \?, = as \=.


[SIC] all spelling errors in the example dataset.

Creating a Dataset from a Schema

You can create a dataset from a schema. Your schema must be written in the Simple Data Format (SDF).

Below is an example SDF schema file:

    "_id": {
        "label": "_id",
        "olap_type": "measure",
        "simpletype": "float"
    "_percentage_complete": {
        "label": "_percentage_complete",
        "olap_type": "measure",
        "simpletype": "float"
    "amount": {
        "label": "amount",
        "olap_type": "measure",
        "simpletype": "float"
    "comments": {
        "label": "comments",
        "olap_type": "dimension",
        "simpletype": "string"
    "food_photo": {
        "label": "food_photo",
        "olap_type": "dimension",
        "simpletype": "string"
    "food_type": {
        "label": "food_type",
        "olap_type": "dimension",
        "simpletype": "string"
    "gps": {
        "cardinality": 18,
        "label": "gps",
        "olap_type": "dimension",
        "simpletype": "string"
    "gps_alt": {
        "label": "gps_alt",
        "olap_type": "measure",
        "simpletype": "float"
    "gps_latitude": {
        "label": "gps_latitude",
        "olap_type": "measure",
        "simpletype": "float"
    "gps_longitude": {
        "label": "gps_longitude",
        "olap_type": "measure",
        "simpletype": "float"
    "gps_precision": {
        "label": "gps_precision",
        "olap_type": "measure",
        "simpletype": "float"
    "location_name": {
        "label": "location_name",
        "olap_type": "dimension",
        "simpletype": "string"
    "rating": {
        "label": "rating",
        "olap_type": "dimension",
        "simpletype": "string"
    "risk_factor": {
        "label": "risk_factor",
        "olap_type": "dimension",
        "simpletype": "string"
    "submit_date": {
        "label": "submit_date",
        "olap_type": "measure",
        "simpletype": "datetime"

Supposing this file is saved locally as /home/modilabs/good_eats.schema.json, you can create a dataset from this scema using:

curl -X POST -F schema=@/home/modilabs/good_eats.schema.json


    "id": "8a3d74711475d8a51c84484fe73f24bd151242ea"

Create a Dataset with data from a Schema

To create a dataset from a schema and upload a CSV file for it, use the following command:

curl -X POST -F schema=@/home/modilabs/good_eats.schema.json -F csv_file=@/home/modilabs/good_eats.csv

And similarly for a JSON file:

curl -X POST -F schema=@/home/modilabs/good_eats.schema.json -F json_file=@/home/modilabs/good_eats.json


    "id": "8a3d74711475d8a51c84484fe73f24bd151242ea"

Creating Multiple Calculations via JSON

You can create multiple calculations by uploading a properly formatted JSON file to the create calculations endpoint.

Below is an example calculations JSON file:

        "name": "sweet foods",
        "formula": "food_type in [\"deserts\", \"streat_sweets\"]"
        "name": "in northern hemisphere",
        "formula": "gps_latitude > 0"
        "name": "sum of amount",
        "formula": "sum(amount)",
        "groups": "risk_factor"
        "name": "mean of amount",
        "formula": "mean(amount)",
        "groups": "risk_factor,food_type"
        "name": "mean of amount",
        "formula": "mean(amount)",
        "groups": ["risk_factor", "food_type"]

Supposing this file is saved locally as /home/modilabs/good_eats.calculations.json, you can create a dataset from this json file using:

curl -X POST -F json_file=@/home/modilabs/good_eats.calculations.json


    "success": "created calculations from JSON",
    "id": "8a3d74711475d8a51c84484fe73f24bd151242ea"


The file can also contain a single dictionary, for example:

    "name": "in northern hemisphere",
    "formula": "gps_latitude > 0"

Replicating a Calculation Across Groups

To create the same calculation with multiple groups you may include a groups key in your JSON file with the value as a list of groups to create the calculation for.

The groups key can also be set to a string, in which case bamboo will create a single calculation with the value as the group.

For example, below the second to third calculation is created with the group risk_factor, and the fourth with the single multi-group risk_factor and food_type. The final calculation is create twice, once for the group risk_factor, and once for the group food_type.

        "name": "sweet foods",
        "formula": "food_type in [\"deserts\", \"streat_sweets\"]"
        "name": "in northern hemisphere",
        "formula": "gps_latitude > 0"
        "name": "sum of amount",
        "formula": "sum(amount)",
        "groups": "risk_factor"
        "name": "mean of amount",
        "formula": "mean(amount)",
        "groups": "risk_factor,food_type"
        "name": "mean of amount",
        "formula": "mean(amount)",
        "groups": ["risk_factor", "food_type"]

Create a “perishable” dataset

Suppose you want to upload a dataset, perform some calculations, and use the results, but you do not want your data to be permanently stored. To accommodate this use case dataset creation supports on optional perish parameter. The perish parameter is an integer which specifies the number of seconds after which to delete the dataset. For example, to create a dataset that will be deleted after one day:

curl -X POST -d "url="


    "id": "8a3d74711475d8a51c84484fe73f24bd151242ea"

Additional dataset query parameters

Dataset queries may take the following optional parameters:

  • select: This is a required argument, it can be ‘all’ or a

    MongoDB JSON query

  • distinct: A field to return distinct results for.

  • query: If passed restrict results to rows matching this query.

  • limit: If passed limit the rows to this number.

  • order_by: If passed order the result using this column.

  • format: Format of output data, ‘json’ or ‘csv’

  • callback: A JSONP callback function to wrap the result in.

  • index: Boolean, if true also return the index. Default false.

  • count: Boolean, if true returns only the number of results. Default false.

Export data using the format parameter

You may use the format parameter as an alternative to file extension notation.

To export the data as CSV:


To export the data as JSON:


Ordering the results of a query

The order_by parameter sorts the resulting rows according to a column value and a sign indicating to order ascending (default) or descending (the - sign).

For example:


Using a JSONP callback

If you would like to retrieve your dataset from and process the result using JavaScript, you can define a JavaScript callback to do so.

Suppose you have defined the JavaScript callback function handleBambooDataset(json) to process the JSON dataset.

You can pass this to bamboo using the json parameter as follows:


Updating Dataset Metadata

The following metadata fields can be added to a dataset:

  • attribution: attribution and original of this dataset.
  • description: a text description of the dataset.
  • label: a label or name for this dataset.
  • license: the license this dataset is under.

The fieldname is in bold with suggested uses to the right.

To set the metadata on a dataset, make a PUT request to info, this will also return the update dataset info.

curl -X PUT -d "description=Good%20eats%20description&license=public&attribution=mlberg&label=goodeats"


    "attribution": "mlberg",
    "description": "Good eats description",
    "id": "8a3d74711475d8a51c84484fe73f24bd151242ea",
    "label": "goodeats",
    "license": "public",
    "schema": {
        "amount": {
            "label": "Amount",
            "olap_type": "measure",
            "simpletype": "float"
        "rating": {
            "label": "Rating",
            "olap_type": "dimension",
            "simpletype": "string",
            "cardinality": 2
        "food_type": {
            "label": "Food Type",
            "olap_type": "dimension",
            "simpletype": "string",
            "cardinality": 8
    "created_at": "2012-6-18 14:43:32",
    "updated_at": "2012-6-18 14:43:32",
    "num_rows": "500",
    "num_columns": "30",
    "state": "ready"

Setting the OLAP Type

By default columns with numeric data are treated as measures and return summary statistics. However, if your numeric data represents indentifiers it may be semantically dimensional. You can use set OLAP Type to treat numeric data dimensionally.

Any numeric column can be converted to a dimension and back. Dimension columns cannot be modified. For example, to convert the numeric column amount to a dimension:

curl -X PUT -d "column=amount&olap_type=dimension"


{"success": "set OLAP Type for column 'amount' to 'dimension'}

Timeseries operations on a dataset

Resampling a dataset

If your dataset contains any date columns, you can resample numeric columns in your data based on any of these date columns.

Any options that can be passed to the pandas resample functions (pandas docs) function can be passed as parameters to bamboo.

The parameters are

  • date_column: The date column to resample on.

  • interval: A code for the interval to use, any pandas codes are accepted,

    e.g. ‘D’ for daily, ‘W’ for weekly, ‘M’ for monthly.

  • how: (Optional) How to calculate the grouped samples. The default is


  • query: (Optional) A MongoDB query to restrict the dataset, only data

    matching the query will be resampled.

  • format: (Optional) Set to ‘csv’ to return a CSV of the resampled data.

For example, to resample a dataset at monthly intervals by mean use the following command:



        '_percentage_complete': 'null',
        'submit_date': {'$date': 1325289600000},
        'gps_alt': 36.78334554038333,
        'amount': 7.107142857142857,
        'gps_latitude': 40.622100085116664,
        '_id': 358490042584000.0,
        'gps_precision': 43.333333333333336,
        'gps_longitude': 29.94870928221667
        '_percentage_complete': 'null',
        'submit_date': {'$date': 1327968000000},
        'gps_alt': 168.11249542212502,
        'amount': 233.5625,
        'gps_latitude': 29.618330361937502,
        '_id': 358490042584000.0,
        'gps_precision': 47.0,
        'gps_longitude': 18.21789164405},
        '_percentage_complete': 'null',
        'submit_date': {'$date': 1330473600000},
        'gps_alt': 0.0,
        'amount': 45.0,
        'gps_latitude': 40.8076961,
        '_id': 358490042584000.0,
        'gps_precision': 588.0,
        'gps_longitude': -73.95805440000001
        '_percentage_complete': 'null',
        'submit_date': {'$date': 1333152000000},
        'gps_alt': 0.0,
        'amount': 12.0,
        'gps_latitude': 49.26994343,
        '_id': 358490042584000.0,
        'gps_precision': 56.0,
        'gps_longitude': -123.15297941
        '_percentage_complete': 'null',
        'submit_date': {'$date': 1335744000000},
        'gps_alt': 281.30000305175,
        'amount': 16.125,
        'gps_latitude': 26.66630736555,
        '_id': 358490042584000.0,
        'gps_precision': 22.5,
        'gps_longitude': 1.530683878799998

Calculating rolling statistics

To compute moving or rolling statistics / moments you can use the rolling request.

Any options that can be passed to the pandas rolling_window function (pandas docs) can be passed as parameters to bamboo.

Window types are passed as the win_type parameter. See here for window type definitions and examples.

For example, to calculating a rolling mean with a window of 3 values, use the following command:



        'gps_longitude': 'null',
        '_percentage_complete': 'null',
        'gps_latitude': 'null',
        'amount': 'null',
        'gps_alt': 'null',
        '_id': 'null',
        'gps_precision': 'null'
        'gps_longitude': 'null',
        '_percentage_complete': 'null',
        'gps_latitude': 'null',
        'amount': 'null',
        'gps_alt': 'null',
        '_id': 'null',
        'gps_precision': 'null'
        'gps_longitude': 28.97413979283333,
        '_percentage_complete': 'null',
        'gps_latitude': 41.018141275299996,
        'amount': 4.583333333333333,
        'gps_alt': 45.60001627606666,
        '_id': 'null', 'gps_precision': 41.666666666666664


The first window - 1 rows will be null, because not enough data will have been seen to calculate rolling statistics for those rows.