Contributing Code

To work on the code:

  1. fork bamboo on github

  2. add tests for your new feature

  3. add the code for your new feature

  4. ensure it is pep8

    $ pip install -r deploy/requirements/requirements-test.pip
    $ pep8 bamboo
  5. ensure all existing tests and your new tests are passing

    $ cd bamboo
    $ ../scripts/
  6. submit a pull request


  1. install nose testing requirements

    $ pip install -r deploy/requirements/requirements-test.pip
  2. run tests

    $ cd bamboo
    $ ../scripts/
  3. or run the profiler

    $ cd bamboo
    $ ../scripts/ -p


Building Documentation

Install graphviz for class structure diagrams:

on Arch Linux: # pacman -S graphviz

on Debian based: # apt-get install graphviz

$ pip install -r requirements-docs.pip
$ cd docs
$ make html